Healthy Building Solutions
As we face the “post-COVID-19 normal,” one thing is certain -- all businesses want to provide a safe environment for their employees. Whether you own or manage a facility, Innovative Facilities Solutions has researched many antimicrobial products. We identified the most advanced antimicrobial products available today in Antimicrobial Lighting and Antimicrobial Surface Protectants. And, now -- these great products are available to you!

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Antimicrobial Lighting
Innovative Facilities Solutions is excited to introduce A NEW CLASS OF ANTIMICROBIAL LIGHT FIXTURES. These LED fixtures harness specific wavelengths of visible light (not UV) that combats the growth of bacteria, fungi, yeast, mold, and mildew. Safe for humans but deadly to bacteria. A chemical-free, cost-effective solution the world needs now!
As a long-standing partner of Orion™ Lighting, Innovative Facilities Solutions is pleased to offer Orion's™ patented, unparalleled Antimicrobial LED troffer retrofit lighting on the market. Orion’s™ expertise as a leading USA manufacturer of LED fixtures coupled with Vital Vio’s antimicrobial technology creates the perfect partnership for products for all types of industries.
UV is a well-known disinfection tool, but it is not safe for human exposure as it degrades DNA in humans, animals and plants. Vital Vio’s technology is much different than a UV lighting disinfectant. The technology uses LEDs to produce light in the visible region of the spectrum. Though sometimes confused with UV light, the technology does not emit UV light waves. Vital Vio’s method of action for killing bacteria is entirely different, and therefore, does not pose the same risks.
White- and violet-enhanced light modes meet international standards for continuous and unrestricted use around people. However, that is not the only benefit your facility and employees will receive. In addition to the patented Vital Vio technology, this product includes Orion’s proprietary Britex™ antimicrobial coating, a 24-hour disinfectant coating on the lights suppress the growth of microorganisms and limits transmission of harmful microbes.
VITAL VIO™'s technology is TRULY one of the MOST ADVANCED antimicrobial lighting solutions on the market today.
Chances are that your current cleaning solutions are applied during intermittent cleaning cycles. This allows for intervals of high bacteria growth between these application cycles. By installing this light technology, you can continuously inhibit microbial growth and significantly decrease their presence on surfaces 24/7. This provides a critical no-labor approach to keeping all of your most important spaces better protected.
Vital Vio has been awarded multiple U.S. Patents for its innovative antibacterial lighting technologies, platforms, and products. This technology is proven to kill 90%+ of bacteria – including MRSA, E. coli, Listeria, Salmonella and Strep – and other microorganisms. The solution uses cost-efficient LED technology with no UV rays or harsh chemicals.